MOSPI Modernizing Social

Responsabile Progetto:
Irene Brunetti

[email protected]
+39 06 854471


Steering Committee

Il comitato direttivo ha l’obiettivo di fornire indicazioni tecniche per l’avanzamento delle attività del progetto e garantire la qualità dei risultati ottenuti.

Il comitato è costituito da: Dott.ssa Irene Brunetti (Inapp) Project Manager, Dott. Andrea Ricci (Inapp), Dott. Ottavio Ricchi (MEF-DT), Prof. Michele Raitano (FGB), Dott.ssa Manuelita Mancini (FGB).


Inapp (National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies) is a public research body under supervision of the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in charge of the analysis, monitoring and evaluation of all public policies having an impact on the labour market. Its mission is two-fold: building public assets such as databases accessible to all and implementing policy-oriented research aimed at analysing policy-relevant phenomena. Inapp has more than 200 researchers and full access to the most relevant national administrative databases for statistical analysis. It is one of the most important and recognized policy advisors in the country.

Inapp is a member of the National Statistical System and cooperates with European and international institutions. It has experience in providing methodological and scientific assistance for the European Social Fund System Actions and it is the National Agency for the Erasmus+ European Programme. It also hosts the national coordinator for the European Agenda of Adult Learning, the EQAVET Reference and the Refernet point for Italy; it contributes to the OCSE-PIAAC survey and to the OCSE Skills Strategy Diagnostic for Italy.

Inapp competences related to the aim of the project can be summarized as follows:

  • Socio-economic analyses: as part of its institutional mission, Inapp carries out research activity to study the state of the art, the main features and trends of Italian labour market, training and social inclusion policies and systems, also in cooperation with other countries.
  • Statistical analysis and data production. Inapp has a longstanding experience in carrying out statistical surveys with several methodologies  (CATI, CAPI, CAWI) and in producing statistical data in the fields mentioned above.
  • Impact evaluation. Inapp has gained a deep experience in impact evaluation analysis focused on training, labour and social inclusion policies, by means of a counterfactual approach. The results of this  activity serves as a basis for policy evaluation and policy advice.

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB): is a private and not-for-profit foundation developing, applying and disseminating evidence based policy design, delivery and evaluation at all governance levels. FGB promotes dialogue and a continuous knowledge exchange bridging the academic and policymaking communities, governments, civil society and private sector. FGB is an active player providing technical support and services to foster economic development, social cohesion, employment and  innovation through: research, data gathering analysis, forecasting, project work, dissemination and communication, network management, vocational training.

Ministry of Finance – Department of Treasury (MEF-DT): provides technical support for the Government’s economic and financial policy choices, and drafts macroeconomic strategies and programming documents. It is also responsible for analyzing national and international economic, monetary, and financial issues, and is in charge of managing public debt. Additionally, the DT is responsible for the State’s shareholdings, financial interventions in the economy, the regulation and oversight of the credit and financial system, and the management of State property.